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- /* Virus_Checker7 for Directory Opus 5 and Virus_Checker 7.
- By Leo Davidson ("Nudel", Pot-Noodle/Gods'Gift Utilities)
- $VER: Virus_Checker7 1.4 (31.10.98)
- Updated by Alex van Niel
- NOTE: This script _requires_ DOpus v5.11 or above and Virus_Checker II v1.0
- or above.
- If you include the path of a file/dir on the command line, using a {}, only
- this file/dir will be tested. If you omit the {}, the program will check
- all selected files and directories in the SOURCE lister for viruses.
- If Virus_Checker's ARexx port is not found, the program will be run for
- you (you should edit the path below). This means the script may fail if
- you give an incorrect path to the Virus_CheckerII program.
- If the Virus_Checker's ARexx port takes over a minute to appear, an error
- requester will appear on the DOpus screen and the script will quit.
- If Virus_CheckerII was running to start with, it will be left running after
- the script has completed. Otherwise, it will be removed from memory.
- When a virus is detected a beep will sound and once all files have been
- checked you will get a requester with a list of infected files (including
- the type of virus). It is possible that the requester will fail to
- appear if it becomes too large to fit on the screen. The script will
- detect when this happens and output the results to a shell window instead.
- Thanks to John Veldthuis <johnv@tower.actrix.gen.nz> for writting
- Virus_CheckerII, allowing me access to the VC7 beta versions, and for giving
- me a virus-infected file (!) to test this script with.
- For a "check selected files for viruses" function, call as:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ARexx DOpus5:ARexx/Virus_Checker7.dopus5 {Qp} {Ql}
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turn off all switches.
- For an "Un-LhA to a directory and check for viruses" function, call as:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AmigaDOS C:LHA -M x {fu} {d}{ou-}/
- ARexx DOpus5:ARexx/Virus_Checker7.dopus5 {Qp} {Ql} {d}{o-}
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Switches: Do all files
- Output to window
- Rescan dest
- Window close button
- v1.00 -> v1.01 - Some minor tidying up.
- Now checks to make sure the DOPUS.x port exists.
- v1.02 -> v1.3 - Now uses Show() instead of ShowList(). (Thanks Stoebi)
- Style Guide compliant version numbering and $VER string.
- v1.4 - VCHECK.x.3 support
- */
- /*- Path to Virus_CheckerII command ------------------------------------------*/
- Virus_CheckerII = "DH0:Tools/Harddrive/VirusKillers/Virus_CheckerII"
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- options results
- options failat 99
- signal on syntax;signal on ioerr /* Error trapping */
- parse arg DOpusPort source_handle.0 FilePath
- DOpusPort = Strip(DOpusPort,"B",'" ')
- source_handle.0 = Strip(source_handle.0,"B",'" ')
- FilePath = Strip(FilePath,"B",'" ')
- If DOpusPort="" THEN Do
- Say "Not correctly called from Directory Opus 5!"
- Say "Load this ARexx script into an editor for more info."
- If ~Show("P",DOpusPort) Then Do
- Say DOpusPort "is not a valid port."
- End
- Address value DOpusPort
- Quit_After = "NO"
- If ~Show("P","Virus_CheckerII") Then Do
- Address Command Virus_CheckerII
- Quit_After = "YES"
- TickTick = Time(M)
- Do While ~Show("P","Virus_CheckerII")
- IF Time(M) - TickTick > 1 Then Do
- dopus request '"Error loading Virus_CheckerII!'|| '0a'x ||'Check its command-line in the ARexx script itself." OK'
- /* If file/dir-path was specified on command line, check it, else
- go through all the selected ones. */
- BadList = ""
- BadNumber = 0
- /*
- lister query source stem source_handle.
- IF source_handle.count = 0 | source_handle.count = "SOURCE_HANDLE.COUNT" Then Do
- dopus request '"You must have a SOURCE lister!" OK'
- End
- */
- If FilePath = "" Then Do
- lister set source_handle.0 busy 1
- lister query source_handle.0 numselentries /* Get info about selected */
- Lister_NumSelEnt = RESULT /* entries & path to them */
- lister query source_handle.0 path
- Lister_Path = Strip(RESULT,"B",'"')
- lister set source_handle.0 progress Lister_NumSelEnt "Checking for viruses..."
- Do i=1 to Lister_NumSelEnt
- lister query source_handle.0 abort
- lister query source_handle.0 firstsel
- Temp_Name = Strip(RESULT,"B",'"')
- lister select source_handle.0 Temp_Name 0
- Temp_Path = Lister_Path || Temp_Name
- lister set source_handle.0 progress name Temp_Name
- lister set source_handle.0 progress count i
- Address "Virus_CheckerII" "Scan "||Temp_Path
- If VCHECK.0.0 ~= 0 Then Do
- command beep
- Do x=1 to VCHECK.0.0
- BadNumber = BadNumber + 1
- If VCHECK.x.3 = "" Then Do
- BadList = BadList || '0a'x || VCHECK.x.1 || " (" || VCHECK.x.2 || ")"
- Else Do
- BadList = BadList || '0a'x || VCHECK.x.1 ||" -> " || VCHECK.x.3 || " (" || VCHECK.x.2 || ")"
- lister clear source_handle.0 progress
- End
- lister set source_handle.0 progress "-1" "Checking for viruses..."
- Address "Virus_CheckerII" "Scan "||FilePath
- If VCHECK.0.0 ~= 0 Then Do
- command beep
- Do x=1 to VCHECK.0.0
- BadNumber = BadNumber + 1
- If VCHECK.x.3 = "" Then Do
- BadList = BadList || '0a'x || VCHECK.x.1 || " (" || VCHECK.x.2 || ")"
- Else Do
- BadList = BadList || '0a'x || VCHECK.x.1 ||" -> " || VCHECK.x.3 || " (" || VCHECK.x.2 || ")"
- lister clear source_handle.0 progress
- End
- If BadNumber > 0 Then Do
- If BadNumber = 1 Then
- BadNote = "The following file is infected:"
- Else
- BadNote = "The following files are infected:"
- BadList = "*VIRUS WARNING*" || '0a'x || BadNote || '0a'x || "(Virus name in parenthesis)" || '0a'x || BadList
- dopus request '"'||BadList||'" OK'
- /* As there is only one gadget which returns "RC = 1", when "RC = 0" it means
- that the requester failed to appear. This will happen when the list is too
- long or wide to fit on the screen, which could easily happen with a virus
- which has spread itself to many files!
- So, if the requester failed, the output will be sent to a shell window.
- It would be nice to be able to use the user's defined output-window
- size but there is (currently) no way of obtaining this. */
- IF RC = 0 Then Do
- dopus request '"*VIRUS WARNING*' || '0a'x || 'List too large for requester' || '0a'x || 'and will be output to a shell..." OK'
- Open(Output_Shell,"CON:0/1/640/200/Virus Warning/CLOSE/WAIT","W")
- WriteLN(Output_Shell,BadList)
- Close(Output_Shell)
- /*-- Restore the Lister for normal use --------------------------------------*/
- syntax:;ioerr: /* In case of error, jump here */
- lister clear source_handle.0 progress
- If FilePath = "" Then Do
- lister refresh source_handle.0
- lister set source_handle.0 busy 0
- If Quit_After = "YES" Then Address "Virus_CheckerII" QUIT